An accredited pool and fence certifier can come to your home and inspect the area whenever you’re planning to lease or sell your home. Thanks to a 1992 law that was renewed and expanded upon in 2013, you’ll now need one of these inspections completed before you sell or lease your home. The companies that offer this service will come out and inspect the pool and fence area, then issue you a compliance certificate once the inspection passes, which leaves the people you’re selling or leasing to with the peace of mind they deserve. The law is mainly designed to make sure the pool or spa is safe and will keep children from drowning, and it applies to both underground and above-ground pools and spas. If you need a good pool certifier, the right company can make all the difference in the world, but fortunately these types of companies are easy to find and affordable.
Keeping Everyone a Lot Safer
If your pool or spa is inspected before you sell or lease a home, you’ll decrease the odds that injuries, drownings, and accidents will occur from then on. Once you receive a certificate of compliance, it will make selling or leasing that home a lot easier, and the best part is, the certificate is good for a full three years. The right certifier will come out to your home and thoroughly inspect the pool and fence area, and they can reduce the chances of something bad happening in the future. Experienced and knowledgeable pool fence certifiers in Sydney know how much easier it is to sell or lease your home when you have a certified pool on your property, so they’ll make sure everything is the way it’s supposed to be before they leave the premises.
What If the Inspection Doesn’t Pass?
If something happens to cause your inspection not to pass, you will receive a noncompliance certificate instead. In this case, you’ll receive a list of ways to take care of the problem areas, providing you with the means to rectify the situation quickly. The certificate is an important part of the documentation used to sell or lease your home, but it will be up to either you or the buyer to make sure things are taken care of, since you can’t get a compliance certificate unless this is done. Just think how much easier it will be to sell or lease your home once your prospective tenants or buyers know that your pool has been certified and is therefore safe. A good certifying company has technicians who are experts and, therefore, you can count on them to provide a comprehensive inspection so that you can decide what to do afterward.