Listen up, Mzansi! BetGames, those exciting live lottery games, have landed in South Africa thanks to YesPlay. Get ready to play favourites like Lucky 5, Lucky 6, and Lucky 7 right from your phone or laptop. It’s time to see if those numbers are your tjommies! Feeling that buzz of excitement yet?

Lucky 5: Fast Wins on YesPlay

Lucky 5 is all about quick picks! With a new game every 5 minutes, the wins come fast and furious. Watch those balls spin as you pick your five lucky numbers. For an easy way to try your hand at Lucky 5, check it out on YesPlay at

And the best part? Imagine winning a thousand times what you bet! Now THAT’S a lekker payout.

Lucky 6: Pull Off the Perfect Heist

If you’re ready for a lottery game that feels like a nail-biting heist, Lucky 6 is your jam. With 60 colourful balls swirling around, it’s up to you to predict the six that’ll make you rich. The suspense is real, and the wins are even bigger! Want to join in the action? Head on over to and get those mastermind skills working.

Lucky 7: Pure Adrenaline on YesPlay

Lucky 7 is where it’s at for those who crave that adrenaline rush, china! Bright colours, swirling balls, and a tense countdown as your seven numbers get drawn. The waiting game is almost as exciting as a big win! Ready to try it? Pop over to YesPlay (

Why YesPlay Rocks

Forget long drives to the lotto shop or standing in queues on a Friday night! With YesPlay, you’ve got the lottery right in your pocket. Whether you’re chilling at a braai, kicking back on the couch after a long day, or killing time on the bus, a few taps on your phone and you’re in the game. Now THAT’s easy! Here’s why YesPlay makes it even better:

  • Play Anywhere:At the braai, on the bus, even under a beach umbrella…you bring the game wherever you go.
  • Top Dealers:Friendly, helpful dealers guide you through the games, adding to the excitement.
  • Quick Results:New games start every few minutes, so there’s always a fresh chance to win.
  • Safe and Secure:YesPlay is a trusted platform, so you can focus on the fun, not the worries.

Your Lucky Number Awaits!

So there you have it, three ways to get lucky with BetGames on YesPlay. But hey, remember to gamble responsibly. Set limits, stick to them, and most importantly – have a blast! Who knows, you might just walk away with a great big win!